Stimming encompasses a range of repetitive movements and behaviors, from hand-flapping to repeating certain phrases. It can be used as a way to cope with anxious feelings or to self-soothe.
Stims are one of the diagnostic characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).1 ASD refers to a range of behaviors and symptoms (that includes former diagnoses like Asperger’s syndrome), which cause difficulties with communicating, learning, and behaving.23
People with other mental health disorders, like schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), might also stim. Here’s what stimming looks like and why people do it, plus its triggers, benefits, and risks.
Stimming Definition
Stimming is short for “self-stimulation.” Medically, stimming is known as a “stereotypic” behavior. Almost all people engage in self-stimulating behaviors. For example, you may doodle, tap your pen, or bounce your foot. Usually, people describe those actions as fidgeting.
Unlike people with ASD, people without the disorder may notice when those behaviors bother others around them. For instance, if continuously tapping your pen becomes too loud for your peers, you may stop making the noise.
In contrast, when people with ASD stim, they might do it in obvious and less socially accepted ways: hand-flapping, rocking back and forth, pacing, or repeating of sounds or phrases.45 With ASD, stimming may include behavior that is unconventional, intense, or repetitive.
9 Facts About Autism Spectrum Disorder
The exact percentage of people with ASD who stim is unknown. Research suggests around 51.8% of people with ASD have stims. That said, the younger someone is, someone who has a lower IQ, or someone who has severe ASD is more likely to stim than someone on the opposite ends of those spectrums.6
ASD is one reason why someone might stim, but there are others as well. Stimming is also seen in people with chorea (movement) disorders, OCD, and Tourette syndrome or other tic disorders.7
Examples of Stimming
When most people think of stimming, they think of motor stimming. These are repetitive motions, like hand-flapping, rocking your body, spinning, jumping, or moving your fingers. Some motor stims may include self-injurious behaviors, like hitting, skin-picking, or scratching.8
However, stimming includes other repetitive behaviors as well. Some people stim by repeating meaningless words or phrases. This is known as echolalia. Echolalia is seen in children with ASD as well as in people with other disorders, including stroke.9
Visual stimming can occur when someone looks at objects in an unusual manner. Another type of stimming involves “non-functional behaviors,” such as continuously adjusting objects.10
Why People Stim
People with ASD use stimming not only as a way to cope with negative emotions like anxiety but also as a way to control or contain positive emotions. Some behaviors, like rocking and hand-flapping, tend to be typical for infants and become less common as children age.11
Children with ASD are more likely to cope after encountering a stressful trigger.10
Again, it’s not only triggers like feeling anxious, excited, stressed, or angry that are linked to stimming—it’s any overwhelming emotion. People stim even when they are happy and relaxed because stimming is calming and comforting.10
People with autism seem to use stimming as a coping mechanism for overstimulation. They don’t seem to stim from having too little sensory input.11
4 Possible Reasons Why Mental Health Is Getting Worse
There are four main triggers of stimming:11
- Overwhelming environment: Being in an environment where there are loud noises and sudden movements can be overwhelming, sometimes to the point of causing anxiety.
- Sensory overload: Too much stimuli can be confusing and unpredictable. Stimming is used as a way to cope with processing multiple stimuli at once.
- Noisy thoughts: Excessive and distracting thoughts you can’t control are like noise in your head. These thoughts can be caused by external triggers, like a song, and can be rather distressing. They also have the potential to lead to anxiety.
- Uncontainable emotion: Stimming can help people deal with extreme emotions, be it a lot of anxiety or overwhelming happiness. Not only does stemming appear to be calming, but it may also help prevent extreme emotions like panic attacks.
Benefits of Stimming
For the most part, due to its soothing effects, stimming provides several benefits for people with ASD. Overall, stimming helps people with ASD tackle difficulties in communicating, learning, concentrating, and regulating emotions.11
Stimming can improve focus. People with ASD may have trouble paying attention. Some evidence suggests that stimming is common in learning environments. The repetitive motions are able to help people focus and sort their thoughts.10
Specifically, a study published in 2018 in BMJ Case Reports found that the benefits of stimming include:5
- Calming feelings of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger
- Easily communicating and interacting with others
- Providing an outlet for overwhelming situations, like loud environments
There are theories for why stimming feels good. Research has found that stimming activates neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain that regulate emotions. For example, while stimming, the brain may release dopamine, glutamate, and aspartate, all providing relief or pleasure. Then, those satisfying feelings reinforce the need to stim.4
Different types of stimming have different benefits, too. Echolalia, for example, can help people who have difficulty learning language. This type of stim can actually be a positive sign of language development. If your child has echolalia, a speech-language therapist can help your child develop language skills.9
Risks of Stimming
People who stim may notice social acceptance is lacking. In a 2019 study, people with ASD told researchers they felt confused, angry, resentful, nervous, belittled, and ashamed when others told them to stop stimming. They stated that neurotypical people often misunderstand stimming, leading to social challenges.11
The major risk of stimming, however, is some people may develop dangerous stims. For example, motor stims may include hitting, skin-picking, or scratching, all of which cause bodily harm.8 Self-harm increases the risk of infections, fractures, and other injuries.12
Some evidence suggests that caregivers follow a framework by the National Autistic Society to decrease the risk of bodily harm: structure, positive approaches and expectations, empathy, low arousal, and links (SPELL).5
Using the SPELL framework, healthy stimming may include:13
- Structure: Ensure the person who stims does so in a safe environment.
- Positive approaches and expectations: Use positive language so the person who stims can communicate easily.
- Empathy: Show compassion for the person who stims and their emotions.
- Low arousal: Eliminate overwhelming stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lighting, or odors. A low-arousal environment helps relax the person who stims.
- Links: Provide support and help the person who stims reach out to other support systems, like a behavioral therapist or other healthcare provider.
How To Manage Stimming
If you’re going to stim, do your best to ensure you aren’t causing harm. Ask for help if stimming causes bodily harm, like bruises, scars, or other injuries. Trusted family and friends or a healthcare provider can help develop healthy stimming behaviors.
Consider carrying a card that explains your behavior, communicates your needs, and reassures others that you are safe when you stim in public. That card can even include notes that educate those unfamiliar with stimming. However, if you feel pressured to not stim in public, create an affirming space to practice stims at home. Then, explain to your loved ones why stimming is essential to your well-being.
Ultimately, stimming is a coping or communication skill. Stimming can help you learn what triggers your emotions or feelings of being overwhelmed. Finding community support can help you navigate those triggers. For instance, pro-stimming spaces on social media may help you feel less alone.14
There’s no need to change harmless behaviors. Ultimately, you should be the one who makes the choice of whether or not to control your stimming.
Some people who stim may want to mask, modify, or eliminate their stimming in specific social environments—especially if it’s distracting or annoying to others. Contact a behavioral therapist if you’re looking for tips on reducing your stims.
A Quick Review
Common among people with ASD, stimming involves repetitive motions or behaviors that alleviate anxiety, manage strong emotions, and help with sensory processing. Stimming differs from fidgeting and often includes behaviors like hand-flapping, rocking, or repeating meaningless words and phrases.
Stimming can help people with ASD who have difficulty communicating, learning, and regulating emotions. However, it can also have social consequences, like feeling marginalized by peers. In addition, stimming may include self-injurious behaviors that may increase the risk of infections, fractures, and other poor health outcomes.
If you stim, create a support system and healthy environment for safe stimming. Reach out to a behavioral therapist if you are looking for ways to control stims that are harmful, distracting, or annoying.